Terms & Conditions

We aim to provide the highest level of service to our guests. To help us maintain our high standards and to assist in proper management, all persons using Findhorn Bay Holiday Park must comply with the following Terms & Conditions:

Last updated: 19 July 2024

A) Terms & Conditions for all site users (Holiday Rentals and Tents & Tourers) Holiday rentals includes Ecovillage Escapes and Hostel accommodation

1) Findhorn Bay Holiday Park and its employees shall not be liable for any damage to or loss or theft from any accommodation or other property, nor for any injury, accident or mishap to any person on the site, unless the same be caused or contributed to by a negligence or default on the part of the Findhorn Bay Holiday Park or its employees.

2) Management reserves the right to refuse permission to use the site.

3) Any abusive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated and Management reserve the right to ask guests to leave immediately

4) Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children and all minors around the Holiday Park and facilities at all times.

5) Dogs must be kept under control at all times, and on lead when around the park. Pet owners are responsible for clearing up any dog fouling. Pets are not permitted in the shower/toilet block. We do not accept breeds/crossbreeds listed in the Dangerous Dogs Act (i.e. XL Bully, Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, and Fila Brasileiro) and/or any of the following: Staffordshire bullterrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Rottweiler, any Mastiff or Tosa.

6) Use of a contained barbecue is permitted, where safe to do so but portable or disposable BBQs to be approved by staff prior to using them. Bonfires/open fires are not permitted.

7) For the safety of all, there is a speed limit of 5 mph on the site. Any person exceeding this limit, or driving without due care, will be asked to leave. Please note that we request that no vehicles are parked on the grass.

8) Musical instruments, TV’s and radios, portable music devices and all motor vehicles must not be used to cause nuisance to others, especially between the hours of 9.30pm – 8.30am.

9) Firearms, of any kind, are not permitted on the Holiday Park at any time. Any persons found to be in possession of firearms will be asked to leave, very politely and from behind a substantial barrier.

10) There is free Wi-Fi available site-wide. Signal strength varies throughout the site. Details of how to connect are available from reception.

11) Seasons: Winter is 1 November to 31 March. Summer is 1 April to 31 October

B) Terms & Conditions (Holiday Rentals – includes Ecovillage Escapes and Hostel accommodation)

1) Entry to accommodation is from 3pm in Winter and 4pm in Summer. Hirers must vacate their accommodation by 10am on the day of departure to allow sufficient time for cleaning and inspection.

2) Guests expecting to arrive after 4pm Winter and 7pm in Summer must notify Reception of their expected time of arrival. The latest time of arrival is 8pm (except by prior arrangement).

3) Hirers must undertake to keep their accommodation in a clean and tidy condition during the period of their occupation, and upon departure. If the accommodation is not left to a satisfactory standard a minimum additional charge of £60.00 will be made.

4) Pets are only permitted in selected holiday rentals that we have allocated as pet friendly. There will be an extra charge for pets (a maximum of two allowed) when in holiday rentals and they must remain on a lead at all times while in the ecovillage and any dog fouling must be cleaned up by the owner. Pets are allowed in the Eco Cabin. If pets have been found to be in non-pet friendly accommodation a minimum additional charge of £80.00 will be made. Pets must not be left in accommodation unattended.

5) Before occupying the accommodation, the hirers should satisfy themselves that the accommodation is in good condition. By occupying the accommodation, the hirer accepts responsibility for the accommodation and its equipment throughout the period of hire. Hirers will be charged for any damage or breakages. Lost keys will also be charged for.

6) Smoking in designated non-smoking accommodation will result in a fine of up to £150.00 in order forthe caravan to be cleansed to a satisfactory standard.

7) Towels will not be provided in any of our holiday rentals except the Eco-chalets, Ecovillage Escapes and Hostels so please remember to bring your own with you. (Towels available for hire at £3.00 per set).

8) Accommodation will not be hired to minors (those under the age of 18) without the direct supervision of at least one responsible adult. Bookings for 18–21-year-olds must have written approval from Management.

9) Payment of a deposit constitutes accepting these conditions.

10) Due to our proximity to the MOD base, Findhorn Bay Holiday Park is within a Flight Restriction Zone meaning it is against the law to fly drones of any kind on the park without prior permission from RAF Lossiemouth ATC.

Please note however that Findhorn Bay Holiday Park per its policies does not allow drones to be flown on or over their property in any situation. If you wish to obtain permission to fly a drone outside of the holiday park but within the FRZ please follow the below links:

Flying info | RAF Lossiemouth | Royal Air Force (mod.uk)

20190906-KIN_Drone_Square_AL2.jpg (1360×1360) (mod.uk)

11) The burning of any incense or candles is not permitted within any of our accommodation.

Cancellations & Refunds (Holiday Rentals, includes Ecovillage Escapes and Hostel Accommodation)

1) A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm booking. The balance is to be paid in full one month before holiday commencement date. If you cancel the booking within 30 days of arrival a refund, minus the 25% deposit will be given. If you cancel after 30 days of arrival a refund will not be issued. We advise that Travel Insurance is taken out to cover such eventualities.

2) Booking dates may be moved if the request is made at least one month prior to the original booking, within the same Winter or Summer season, upon payment of an additional non-refundable £10.00 administration fee, payable each time a booking date is changed.

3) Early departure by your choice does not attract any refund.

C) Site Terms & Conditions (Tents & Tourers Only)

1) Check in is from 1pm. Check out is by 11am.

2) Guests expecting to arrive after 4pm Winter in Low Season and 7pm in Summer must notify Reception of their expected time of arrival. The latest time of arrival is 8pm (except by prior arrangement).

3) Sleeping in awnings is NOT permitted. Scottish Fire Service regulations specifically prohibits using awnings as sleeping accommodation.

4) Pitches will not be hired to minors (those under the age of 18) without the direct supervision of at least one responsible adult. Bookings for 18–21-year-olds must have written approval from Management.

Cancellations & Refunds (Tents & Tourers only)

1) A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm booking. The balance is to be paid in full one month before holiday commencement date. We advise that Travel Insurance is taken out to cover such eventualities.

2) Booking dates may be moved if the request is made at least one month prior to the original booking, within the same Winter or Summer season, upon payment of an additional non-refundable £10.00 administration fee, payable each time a booking date is changed.

3) If you cancel a booking prior to 7 days of arrival then a refund minus the 25% deposit will be given. If you cancel within 7 days of arrival then no refund will be given. No refunds given on bookings less than £25.00.

3) Early departure by your choice does not attract any refund.

D) Complaints Procedure

We hope that you have enjoyed your stay and that we will see you again soon! However, if you have not enjoyed your visit, we encourage you to discuss it with us as soon as possible as this gives us the best chance of resolving it with you. If you remain unhappy, please contact us again within 7 days of your departure and we will try and help.

Here’s what to do if you need to make a complaint:

1) If there’s something wrong with your pitch/accommodation, please tell reception staff straight away so we can try to put things right.

2) If you would like to make a complaint after leaving the park, please email hpco@nfdltd.co.uk or you can write to us on the below address within seven days of exiting the park. The letter or email must be from you (the lead booker) as you’re the person we made this agreement with. Please made sure you write your booking reference number of your letter or email and include your daytime/evening phone number and postal address.

3) A member of our Management will write back to you within 14 days of receiving your letter or email.

  • FAO Holiday Park Manager
  • Findhorn Bay Holiday Park
  • The Park
  • Findhorn
  • Moray
  • IV36 3TY

E) Privacy Policy – Findhorn Bay Holiday Park

1) Please read our Privacy Policy here. Your booking, and payment of deposit/balance constitutes acceptance of this.